Prostatitis in men: signs, medications, how to treat

causes of prostatitis in men

Prostatitis is an extremely unpleasant disease.

And especially considering how important it is for any man to feel his leadership and superiority in everything, problems in sex life can have a very negative effect on mental health, self-confidence and the will to win in general. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the disease with prostatitis in time, cure it and, better yet, prevent it completely. Treating prostatitis in men with medication is more effective, but it is not always helpful. In addition, this is important for any man, without exception, who has reached the age of 30-35, because that is when he enters the risk group for this disease. At the same time, the disease can manifest itself in various ways, have different symptoms of manifestation, and therefore it is very important for prevention to regularly visit a doctor.

But first of all, you need to find out what exactly this disease is. And for this it is worth resorting to the knowledge of medicine and anatomy. The word "prostatitis" is of Latin origin - prostatitis. Literally, the prostate (it was from this word that it got its name) is the prostate gland, and it is inflammation. That is, prostatitis occurs as a result of an infection in the prostate. This happens quite often, because this gland is located in such a place that bacteria from the intestines, bladder, blood, or lymph can easily penetrate into it. And this happens quite often, but in most cases the man's body copes with it successfully. For prostatitis to occur, additional factors are required.

Causes of prostatitis

The causes of this disease can be different, there are many factors and nuances that lead to inflammation of the prostate. However, there is an underlying cause of this disease. These are pathogenic microbes that penetrate the prostate, begin their active life, corrode and destroy tissues from the inside, and therefore provoke an inflammatory process.

At the same time, depending on the nature of the disease and the way it presents itself, inflammation can take place in different ways. In some cases, it develops rapidly and is accompanied by acute pain, and sometimes the infection gradually destroys the tissues, initiating the disease process, which can continue even if the infection itself clears.

The infection enters the prostate gland along the ascending pathway. Most often, through the urethra, especially in diseases of the genitourinary system. In some cases, through blood and lymph, from infected pelvic organs. Therefore, the prostate gland becomes infected.

There are several factors that can influence the appearance of inflammation:

what is prostatitis in men
  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections.
  • Excessive hypothermia, especially in the winter season.
  • Decreased defenses of the body when the immune system cannot cope with infection.
  • Congestion and a significant violation of the circulatory system in the small pelvis, which occurs mainly during sedentary work and lack of adequate physical activity.
  • Irregular sexual life and prolonged abstinence (since a natural massage of the prostate is performed during ejaculation).
  • Excessive sex life also often causes inflammation of the prostate gland.
  • Injury to the genitals or perineum. Motorcyclists and cyclists, as well as motorists, are the most likely to suffer such injuries.
  • Alcohol abuse and smoking. These bad habits cause serious alterations in the functioning of the body as a whole and, in particular, cause edema in the prostate area.
  • An unbalanced and unhealthy diet can also cause prostatitis, as the immune system is affected by a lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Psychological and physical overload that causes stress on the body.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Disorders of the hormonal system.
  • Problems with stool (regular and frequent constipation).

However, all of the above factors do not at all mean that if a man is a driver who loves to ski in winter or an office worker who spends the entire working day sitting down, he certainly has a swollen prostate. This only means that with such risk factors, you need to undergo regular examinations, which will help to identify the onset of the inflammatory process. It is advisable to do this at least once every six months, since prevention will be much cheaper and safer than a full and long-term treatment.

Types of prostatitis

Doctors identify various forms of prostatitis.

types and forms of prostatitis in men
  • Chronic Bacterial: inflammation of the prostate, which develops chronically, usually caused by a bacterial infection that persists for a long time. The diagnosis of this form of prostatitis is made if the corresponding bacteria are found in the prostate discharge sample.
  • Chronic abacterial prostatitis: chronic inflammation of the prostate, which is not infectious, that is, no bacteria are detected during the test. The development of this type of prostatitis occurs mainly due to autoimmune damage to the tissues of the prostate.
  • Acute prostatitisis ​​a special form characterized by chronic pain. They are located mainly on the genitals. These pains are the main and main symptom of prostatitis.
  • Asymptomatic- This is the most unpleasant form, which is difficult to diagnose and develops without symptoms. It can only be determined when regular preventive exams are performed.


The first obvious symptom that can indicate the appearance of an inflammation of the prostate is difficulty urinating and painful sensations at this time. If you have such sensations, you should definitely consult a doctor and check for an infection. The same occurs if the urge to urinate becomes excessively frequent and the bladder empties in small portions.

It is especially important to pay attention to any changes and unusual sensations of the body, taking into account the fact that often inflammatory processes begin to develop completely asymptomatic and gradually turn into a chronic form. And such a disease is much more difficult to treat, because even after the infection is eliminated, the development of prostatitis can continue.

Acute prostatitis is much easier to define. Because in this case, it manifests itself sharply and suddenly. But it is worth remembering that each man's disease can proceed in completely different ways, everything is very individual.

Symptoms of acute prostatitis, which are the main symptoms that indicate inflammation of the prostate:

How does prostatitis manifest in men
  • Painful sensations when urinating.
  • Frequent need to empty the bladder.
  • Painful sensations in the perineal region. And not only on the genitals, but also on the anus and sacrum.
  • Potency disorders.
  • If the act of defecation is accompanied by painful sensations.
  • State of weakness of the body and malaise.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Unexplained increased sweating.
  • Constant feeling of a full bladder.
  • During bowel movements, there is concomitant discharge from the urethra.
  • Unstable emotional state, irritability.

It is not necessary for a man to show all symptoms at once, as each organism is individual. Therefore, the manifestations can be completely different. One of the most urgent symptoms, after which it is necessary to check for an inflammatory process, is a violation of potency. This can be an erection problem or premature ejaculation and, in some cases, a lack of sexual desire at first. But you should not worry about this: as soon as the underlying disease is cured, all these problems will go away on their own.


To make an accurate diagnosis and determine the presence of the disease, you should consult a urologist. Since you cannot do this on your own, and if the inflammatory process begins, it can lead to serious complications.

The approximate algorithm used for the diagnosis is the following:

  1. A medical exam, which performs a general clinical evaluation of the condition.
  2. Urinalysis (usually a general analysis for microflora is done).
  3. A test intended to identify sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. ways to diagnose prostatitis
  5. Determination of the presence or absence of infection using a urethral swab.
  6. Ejaculation analysis.
  7. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  8. Urography.
  9. In some cases, a biopsy if prostate cancer is suspected.

After all the above studies, a "test" treatment of the infection is performed if inflammation is found. And on the basis of all these data, the doctor develops a new treatment regimen for prostatitis.

The question often arises as to whether chronic prostatitis can be cured. The comments of doctors on this matter are very comforting, it is quite amenable to treatment.


The disease itself is very difficult and causes great difficulties in treating doctors. However, this does not at all mean that the doctor cannot do anything. The disease is completely curable and symptoms can be relieved very quickly and the patient helped. Using a drug for prostatitis in men, you can very quickly relieve discomfort. Also, modern medicine is capable of many things, including creating a stable remission. The truth depends on the patient himself how the whole treatment will develop. It is necessary to clearly and unquestionably follow all the recommendations that the doctor prescribed, because otherwise you may not achieve the desired result. But in order to ensure a cure, it is very important to make sure of the professionalism of the doctor, since the process itself, the treatment regimen for prostatitis must be very competently drawn up, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve effectiveness.

A set of measures taken to treat prostatitis generally includes the following procedures:

Antibiotic therapy

medications for prostatitis

Since prostatitis is an inflammation caused by an infection of the prostate, its main treatment is to suppress it. Therefore, prostatitis is treated with antibiotics. It is difficult to pinpoint the best cure for prostatitis, since everything is purely individual. To date, to cure chronic prostatitis, doctors resort to the use of drugs that are in the group of macrolides. Its main effect is that the formation of proteins is blocked in bacteria, thus interrupting the possibility of vital activity. Although in some cases other drugs are used. The attending physician selects a drug and works out a treatment regimen with its help, taking into account individual characteristics, therefore the dosage and choice of the drug itself in each individual case will not be the same.

On average, the course of taking antibiotics itself is about 2 weeks. But again, it all depends on the individual characteristics of each individual patient. After this time, a second full examination and investigation is usually performed to determine whether it is necessary to stop treatment or change its regimen. Anti-prostatitis medication for men is one of the main ways to combat inflammation of the prostate. However, it is not the only one.


Massage is a very effective tool for both prevention and treatment of prostatitis. Since one of the main causes of their appearance is stagnation, massage allows you to eliminate them. By improving the microcirculation of blood in the genitals and the drainage of secretions from the prostate, there is a general improvement in the condition and the treatment is much more successful, the recovery is faster. Prostate massage can be performed both independently and by a doctor. Among the methods are microclysters, testicular massage, direct impact on the prostate through the anus. But there are also some limitations. Since such massage is a certain physical effect, it is not recommended to perform it if the prostatitis progresses sharply, as well as with hemorrhoids, fissures and other diseases of the rectum. Massage is very often prescribed in addition to antibiotic therapy, as it has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in treating this difficult disease. Treatment of prostatitis with massage is very often included in a set of measures to get rid of this unpleasant disease.

In addition to massage, the treatment of prostatitis at home includes the implementation of complex or individual gymnastic exercises that will help to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs and therefore promote rapid healing.


In addition, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis, which can also effectively cope with the treatment of this disease. Helps improve tissue trophism, blood circulation in the prostate. For these procedures, one or the other device is used to treat prostatitis. Physiotherapy methods and measures include magnetic and laser therapy, electrophoresis, hot baths, diadynamic phoresis and ultrasonic phonophoresis. In some cases, the use of mud baths is very effective. Another physiotherapeutic procedure for the treatment of prostatitis is the use of enemas with different compositions. For example, using mineral waters.

When using each individual prostatitis device, remember to be very careful not to cause any harm.

Herbal Medicine

Usually also used in addition to the main treatment. With the help of phytotherapy, prostatitis in men is treated at home, but in no case should it replace the main intake of antibiotics. Taking decoctions of herbs and dietary supplements helps the body to strengthen the immune system, which increases the body's defenses and contributes to the ability to successfully fight infections. With the help of herbal medicine, chronic prostatitis is treated with home remedies. This type of therapy is a good addition to the main treatment, because thanks to the effect of certain herbs, it is possible to accelerate the blood circulation of the pelvic organs and the body as a whole, to increase resistance to infection.


Prostatitis is usually psychosomatic in nature. And it happens that even the use of pills for prostatitis does not work to achieve the desired effect. In addition, very often prostatitis causes serious disturbances in the sexual sphere of a man's life, which often leads him to an unstable psycho-emotional state. Psychotherapy aims precisely to face these moments of crisis and remain a full-fledged personality. Very often, men begin to feel extremely insecure about these health problems, which greatly affects all areas of life. It is very important to combine the methods of treating prostatitis with competent psychological work with the patient. There are often cases where the cure was much more effective after a man underwent a course of psychotherapy and faced a number of very difficult internal problems. Therefore, this type of therapy is no less important for a successful cure than others.


surgical treatment of prostatitis in men

In especially difficult and advanced cases, you may need to enlist the help of a surgeon. A narrowing of the urethra may occur and prostate abscesses may occur. Sometimes the adenoma needs to be cut out. All this happens if the diagnosis and proper treatment were not carried out in time. Then the complications begin, and this type of intervention is already necessary. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the prostate. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures, visit a doctor every six months.


Since inflammation occurs due to the fact that the body could not cope with the infection on its own, to effectively treat inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. In addition, if an unsuccessful antibiotic treatment has already been carried out, then the immune system is weakened, and even more it needs additional strengthening. In addition, such therapy has a very positive effect in preventing the recurrence of prostatitis after its cure.

Treatment may simply consist of supplemental vitamins or minerals. The best method would be to contact an immunologist who will conduct all the necessary tests and prescribe exactly what the body is lacking for successful work and increasing protective functions. Then drugs for the treatment of prostatitis will be more effective.


In addition to general therapy, especially if chronic prostatitis is being treated, certain adjustments are made to the regimen and diet. At the same time, there are no general schemes; in each individual case, its own restrictions or additions are introduced. It depends both on the form of the disease and on the man's own body.

nutritional correction for prostatitis

But there are still a number of basic requirements that are mandatory. Also, it is advisable to observe them immediately, as soon as there is a suspicion of prostatitis. These restrictions include, first of all, the rejection of alcohol. Since it has a destructive effect on the body and can provoke an acute development of inflammation. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the use of salt in the daily diet. And to ensure the daily intake of fluids in the body, at least 1, 5 liters.

In any case, it is necessary to reorganize the diet so that it is based on fresh vegetables and fruits, and the rest of the products are already added. If an exacerbation occurs, it is advisable to abandon fried foods and steam everything. Protein foods - meat, fish and chicken, during the period of exacerbation of inflammation, it is also desirable to exclude them from the diet, gradually returning them as the condition improves.

There are also a number of products that have an adverse effect on the prostate, and therefore, during the treatment period, it is recommended, if not excluded, at least significantly reduce the use. These products include:

  • Tea and coffee, due to their high caffeine content. Sometimes cocoa is included in this group.
  • Any canned food, smoked meats, salting and overly spicy or spicy dishes should also be excluded.
  • Any animal fat, including broths.
  • Cabbage and all legumes can cause fermentation in the intestines and therefore should also be avoided.
  • Bakery products, especially those made with wheat flour, for the same reason.

The doctor will also tell you what exactly should be changed in the diet.

Alternative treatment

Prostatitis can also be treated with home remedies, which are also quite effective. But at the same time, it is imperative to consult a doctor in advance and start such treatment only with his consent. There are many popular recipes - this can be the use of individual products, for example, propolis or pumpkin seeds, or the creation of special products, tinctures, candles.

Home remedies for prostatitis can be a very effective supplement to your prostatitis medication. But in no case should you self-medicate.


prevention of the development of prostatitis

The main preventive measure of any disease is attention to one's own health. To prevent the development of inflammation of the prostate, you simply need to try to avoid the factors that can cause its occurrence. That is, do not get too cold, control your diet and lifestyle, exercise regularly and avoid the appearance of sexually transmitted infections. And also have regular sex with a regular partner, immediately treat any infection, especially the pelvic organs.

But the best preventive measure is still a regular visit to the doctor. Since it often happens that prostatitis is completely asymptomatic and if it is not diagnosed in time, it will be much more difficult to cure it in the future. Therefore, you should not forget about this measure and visit a doctor at least once every six months.